Is it a game?

Image result for molleindustria

For this week, I chose to play Molleindustria from the list of given video games, simply because I had no idea what that was, and I was a little curious to find out. I believe the game I chose to play is a “game” because Molleindustria is literally an arcade. When you open the page on your computer there is various games to choose from. Nevertheless, what makes Molleindustria an actual “game” in terms of the class is the hegemony of play. As we know hegemony is a term referring to leadership of dominance by a social group or country. This explains the hegemony of play, as described by Ludica: “Today’s hegemonic game industry has infused both individuals’ and societies’ experiences of games with values and norms that reinforce that industry’s technological, commercial and cultural investments in a particular definition of games and play, creating a cyclical system of supply and demand in which alternate products of play are marginalized and devalued.” From this quote, we see that inevitably games and play are connected in a particular way, but this does not explain what exactly links one to the other.

Image result for molleindustria the best amendment

Koster mentions that when analyzing the theory of play, we come to realize that fun from games arises through mastery, which is only possible through playing the game itself. From this, we can conclude that a “game” involves a form of interaction, whether it be physical, mental, or verbal. Nevertheless, this does not mean a game must be fun; there must simply be some form of stimulation or incentive to keep playing. The game I played from Molleindustria is called “The Best Amendment.” This can be classified as a game because it involved a form of interaction from my behalf. I appear as a white, ghost like character on the screen, and I interact with the game by moving the character with my fingers both on the keyboard and touchpad of the computer. I also use mental interaction with the game by strategizing how to stay alive, accumulate the most points, complete the given objectives, and beating the level before time runs out. Another feature that makes a “game” a game is there has to be some sort of goal that must be reached or accomplished (Galloway).

Image result for molleindustria the best amendment

In relation to another of the Molleindustria games I played called “To Build A Better Mouse Trap,” there were multiple goals that needed to be completed in order to actually pass the level. These tasks included making sure my mice laborers were being fed, achieving a steady flow of output from both the physical working mice and the ones at the computers, and making sure I did not run out of supplies. Initially, if these goals were not reached, my company would become bankrupt and the game would be over. Nevertheless, if I succeeded in building my surplus and income, I would move on to the next level. Although neither of these games were necessarily fun, they can still be classified as a “game” because of such features.


13 thoughts on “Is it a game?

  1. It is interesting to note how different this game is from the other ones this week. The game play and style are so different but it is still a game. You played a multitude of games and had a range of experiences. However, is “fun” not necessary in order to be considered a game?


    • I personally believe that “fun” is not necessary in order for any game to be considered a ‘game.’ Because if that were the case, you could classify something as a ‘game’ and I could say that it was not because I did not find it ‘fun.’ Some people do not like being challenged or having competition, (which is a key factor in many popular games today), and because of this they might say that “Call of Duty” isn’t a ‘game’ because they didn’t find the game “fun.”


    • Yeah this was literally an arcade. You do make a good point with your last question. I would say it is not necessary because “fun” can definitely be an opinionated thing. Which game did you play?


    • I get your point. Just curious though, based on Dustyn’s question would you feel that competition is necessary for something to be a game?


    • I don’t believe fun is necessary for something to be considered a game. Despite all the components that can contribute to something being “fun”, it is still subjective. A game could meet all the aspects that Koster includes in his definition of fun but a player may not be entertained and that would not disqualify it as a game.


  2. Overall, I enjoyed your blog. I like how you decided to play these games because you had no idea what they even were. I think for my next game I might do that same thing so that I can experience something entirely new and foreign to what I am used to.


  3. Be careful about focusing. Each paragraph is interesting, but incomplete and unlinked to each other. You need to focus on one game at a time, not all of Molleindustria’s games. Similarly, you need to really focus when you integrate theory. For example, you never explain why you are using Ludica here. Yes, there is a hegemony of play, but how does it relate to your game of the week? When you jump to Koster you drop Ludica unexplained, but you are also jumping away from “game” to “fun,” which doesn’t really follow through with the blog’s purpose. And finally, in focusing on one game you really GET the game fully.


    • It looks like I made it difficult and lost myself by playing multiple games. However, in regards to the quotes, would you like me to connect them to the blog by elaborating more on how they relate?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Really connecting quotations to your point is absolutely necessary, yes. Make sure that you explain the quote specifically in how you are using it, which is to say, how it relates to your point.


  4. Do you think the purpose of the author should dictate the classification of game or not? Molleindustria is notorious for making politically and socially charged games that critique society. Do his intentions sway your opinion? Do you think the subject matter matters or is all that matters is that there are aspects of the piece that fit the definition of game?


    • I do not believe the purpose of ht author should dictate classification, nor do his intentions sway my opinion. I am not sure I understand the last question though.


  5. I like how you really went into depth of the hegemony of play. You’re visuals were great and relevant throughout. I feel like the other game you played ” To Build a Better MouseTrap” is very similar to the McDonalds game.


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